Halloween is the best time of year for creativity and scary. There are so many creative ideas from costumes, decorations, makeup to dishes.
You can easily create these ideas from mason jars and some easy stuff. I have collected over 17 Halloween mason jar craft ideas for you. Enjoy Halloween with your family!
Making Halloween crafts are probably the best time of the year because it’s spooky and creative. If you’re finding out how to make Halloween mason jar crafts, then you’re in the right place. DIY Halloween mason jar crafts are not as hard as they seem, and I can show you how.
If you have the right materials prepared, you’ll have a creative Halloween mason jar crafts masterpiece in no time. You can make these Halloween mason jar craft ideas in the comfort of your own home. Get yourself ready because it’s going to be the best Halloween craft you’ll ever do.
Halloween Mason Jar Crafts For Kids
Mason jar crafts for kids are the best because things can get quite chaotic but overall creative. Here are some easy Halloween mason jar crafts ideas that you can do with kids. Just prepare to clean up the mess you’ll make afterward!
Mummy Mason Jars are one of the easiest Halloween mason jar crafts that any kid can do. You will only need to prepare tissue paper and googly eyes. You can even include fairy lights inside of the mason jar so the Mummy can light up at night.
Another idea that kids can do is Painted Mason Jar Ghosts. It’s simple because other than the mason jar, you will only need paint. Let kids explore what colors they’d want the mason jar ghosts to be or what it would look like.
Mason jars for Halloween can be themed. One of my favorite themes to do is Fall Halloween mason jar crafts. Whenever I do this kind of theme, I go for a pumpkin-faced mason jar craft, and you should try it out too.
How Do You Make A Mason Jar For Halloween?
Making decorated mason jars is really simple, and most materials can be found in your nearest craft store. Some of these materials can be recycled from whatever you have at home. You don’t have to spend big amounts of money to have an amazing mason jar for Halloween.
Keep in mind that this is the main star of your craft is your mason jars. Your mason jars could be recycled old ones that you don’t use anymore. Find simple mason jars that you don’t mind decorating for Halloween.
The next step in decorating a mason jar is preparing your paint. Find some cheap paint, and paint away with your mason jar. You can design anything from ghosts, witches, and even a pumpkin mason jar.
Another thing you can add when making a mason jar for Halloween is accessories. Accessories can vary from googly eyes, sparkles, tissue paper, hats, and whatever you can think of. These accessories can tie everything together to create that wonderful Halloween mason jar.
What Can You Put In Mason Jars For Halloween?
You can actually put anything that your heart desires, as long as it’s Halloween-themed! There are no limits to creativity, so put in whatever you want. You can add a lot of things like sweet treats or fairy lights inside the mason jar.
Halloween treats are something you can put in your mason jars. It’s an effortless way for trick-or-treats because it’s already ready to be picked up in the mason jar. Set in different treats that you can think of in the mason jar.
You can include spooky surprises in your mason jars too. Spooky surprises can be pop-out spiders or snakes that are sure to surprise anyone who opens it. It’s a great prank to pull with friends and family that are coming over for a spooky party.
If you’re having a Halloween party, you can make use of your decorated mason jars as a glass. Put your Halloween drinks in these mason jars and serve them to everyone at the party. I’m sure that anyone who receives this decorated mason jar will be delighted.
How Can You Make Luminary Mason Jars For Halloween?
Luminary mason jars for Halloween make a great indoor and outdoor decoration when celebrating Halloween. It can even add to the spooky effects that you’re going for. Luminary mason jars can amaze kids and adults when they see one.
I’ve done countless luminary mason jars for Halloween, and every single one of them turned out to be amazing. They are easy and quick to add to any of your decorated mason jars. You should try doing it as soon as possible.
What you will be only needing are lights that can fit inside your mason jars. It can be fairy lights, LED lights, or anything you can find that will work inside the mason jar. You can play around with colored lights or stick to the classic yellow-white light.
You can display these luminary mason jars outside of your home without any problem. Your guests are sure to be welcomed by these pretty luminary mason jars you’ve prepared. Just make sure that everything is safe and hazard-free when doing luminary mason jars.
Halloween can be quite a ride when figuring what crafts you could do every year. Always remember that it’s a fun time to get creative when deciding what to do. Mason jars are great base materials to have when doing these Halloween crafts.
Invite friends, family, or kids when doing mason jar crafts for Halloween. You can create different styles of mason jars and display them around your house. Gather around and create a mason jar designing activity that everyone can enjoy.
Look around your nearest dollar store or craft store for anything you can add to your mason jars. Think about spooky or iconic Halloween figures to get inspiration for your crafts. You can get started in creating your own Halloween mason jar when you’re with the right inspiration.
I hope my tips and tricks to making Halloween mason jars helped you in creating your own crafts this holiday time. I look forward to seeing them.
Source: masonjarcraftslove
Source: the36thavenue
Source: adventure-in-a-box
Source: masonjarcraftslove
Source: itallstartedwithpaint
Source: ladybehindthecurtain.com
Source: makeit-loveit.com
Source: cupcakesandcrinoline.com
Source: thecountrycook.net
Source: momdot.com
Source: nestofposies-blog.com
Source: frompankawithlove.blogspot.com
Source: apumpkinandaprincess.com
Source: masonjarcraftslove.com
Source: adventure-in-a-box.com
Source: deadwoodcemetery.blogspot.com