get paid talking to lonely people

Ways to Get Paid to Talk to Lonely People Online 

Anastasia Blogger Blogging Leave a Comment

Feeling lonely is a very common human experience and is something everyone goes through. There are also different ways people cope with their loneliness. Others would prefer isolating themselves from other people and spending time alone, while others would prefer to talk to other people and have someone to vent and rely on.

earn money chatting lonely people

To help with this, different websites and chat services have appeared where you can easily chat with people, talk to lonely individuals, or even hire someone to listen to your problems! And the best part of it all? You can earn extra money online while doing this! 

Whether it’s listening, chatting for fun, or just being a digital friend for someone in need, there’s a growing need for people willing to connect and help others. 

Best Legit Places to Get Paid To Talk To Lonely People

There are several chat websites out there you can visit for different purposes. Some websites are purely for chatting and finding online friends, others are specifically to talk to lonely guys or talk to lonely women, while others are for the purpose of dating or flirting.

With that said, these talk-to-lonely people sites I have listed are for people who will get paid to chat or listen to other people. These websites are also for those who are looking for someone who can become an online friend or looking for temporary chat sessions. 

earn money chatting lonely people

If you think that you can be someone who can provide these services, then here are some premium chat websites you can apply to: 

14. Rent a Friend 

Rent A Friend is just as its name states – it is a platform where you can hire a “friend” by the hour. Rent A Friend offers in-person, online, and phone friends to people who need a friend. 

These rented friends are not meant to replace genuine friendships but rather to offer companionship for specific situations where someone may feel lonely or in need of social interaction. Rent A Friend is generally intended to be a platonic platform – it emphasizes and pushes for companionship and friendship rather than romantic or intimate connections.

The website earns money by charging a paid membership monthly fee. The cost of renting a friend can start at just $10 an hour but is negotiable on both sides. Friends are able to set their rates individually and keep 100% of their income.

Visit Rent A Friend here.

13. Rent a Cyber Friend 

If you are looking to meet people specifically online, then Rent A Cyber Friend is the website that does just that. is a platform that allows you to make money by providing virtual companionship and offering your expertise in various areas to people around the world. is a website where people can offer different services like companionship, advice, and support to others. It is not really a place where it encourages flirting or romantic relationships. 

If you want to apply as a Cyber Friend, the website lets you sign up and create a profile for free, with no upfront fees or charges. And when you make money using the platform, charges a 20% commission fee when you withdraw your earnings. There is also a minimum withdrawal amount of $50 USD.

Apply to Rent A Cyber Friend here

12. Rent a Local Friend 

Rent a Local Friend is a global platform that connects people who love to travel with those who have more than enough knowledge in their areas and are passionate about the area they are living in. If you are in need of a travel buddy or a tour guide to a specific place, then this platform is perfect for you. 

The concept is built on the idea that locals can provide a more authentic and personalized experience for visitors compared to traditional tourist services. Rent a Local Friend says their users make an average of $20 per hour.

Apply to Rent a Local Friend here

11. Papa 

If you want a more wholesome connection and to assist elder people, then Papa is a great companionship platform geared towards the elderly. Papa Pals provides vital social support and care to strengthen families, help older adults remain connected, and support diverse communities.

Papa Pals have complete control over their work schedules and can earn a base rate of $13-$18 an hour, plus bonuses and one-way commute mileage to each visit.

Apply to become a Papa Pal here

10. Fiverr

Fiverr is an online platform where freelancers get to offer their services. And you can basically find almost all types of services there as long as it does not go against the Guidelines of Fiverr.

And with that, you can also find counseling or online companionship services there. Just search “friendship” on Fiverr and you will see there are a bunch of listings that offer paid chat services that are non-sexual. 

The good thing about Fiverr is that you can set your own rates per hour or per minute. You can have it as high as $20 to 50 per hour or even more depending on your services.

Start using Fiverr here

9. FriendPC 

FriendPC aims to help people make friends, find someone to accompany them somewhere, or help them reach a goal. It is also another way to earn money for those who are looking for side gigs.

What FriendPC does is that its users can pay for someone’s services for that day and enjoy the type of friendship services they are willing to offer. Whether it’s texting all throughout the day, scheduling one phone call a day, playing online video games, or a FaceTime session.

The good thing about FriendPC is that if you want to become a Virtual Friend, you can set your own schedule and prices as well as choose your preference for communication. You can go strictly texting or text chatting, or you can also do voice calls or video calls if you are comfortable. 

Apply to FriendPC here

8. Texting Factory 

Texting Factory gives you the chance to get paid to be a virtual chat operator. As a text chat operator, you will be answering messages from the platform’s clients and you will be able to talk to clients and customers about all kinds of topics. 

You will be assigned different roles, depending on what your customer wants. Topics can range from work, culture, weather, relationships, and more! 

According to Texting Factory, their average chat operator earns between $50 to $300 a week depending on how much time and effort was put in. To apply, you must be fluent in English, have a PC or laptop with a stable internet connection, and must be 18 years old and up.

Apply to Texting Factory here

7. Premium.Chat

Are you an influencer or maybe someone who is knowledgeable in a specific field? If you want to get paid to text or get paid to listen and connect with people, then you can try checking out

Premium.Chat is an online platform that lets its subscribers connect with experts in their field or influencers in their niche. This platform works really well for influencers, coaches, counselors, professional trainers, and more! 

As a chatter on the website, you get to set your own rates that work for you. This can be between $1.00 to $5.99/minute, or up to $50 for flat-rate chat. Premium.Chat also offers different methods to connect you with people including text and video chat! 

You can apply to Premium.Chat here

6. Chat Operator Jobs 

Chat Operator Jobs is perfect for men and women who are looking for ways to make extra money on the side by simply chatting online. Chat Operator Jobs are always on the lookout for home-based admin workers who can chat online and quickly answer typed messages for their chat app / website. You can work part-time or full-time and no experience necessary and you can start almost immediately!

You can get paid to chat online and earn $0.13 – $0.19 for every message you answer on your cell phone, tablet or PC. That should be an easy $50 per day just by spending your spare time with chatting to people who need someone to talk to. 

Try Chat Operator Jobs here

5. Lip Service 

 Lip Service is another website that offers opportunities for individuals to talk to someone online or work as text-based chat operators and earn money while doing it. 

Anyone can apply as long as you live in the United States or Canada, have a reliable internet connection, phone, and or laptop, and must be above 18 years old.

Lip Service does not specify their rates but they claim that they have one of the highest rates that allow you to get paid while they connect you with lonely people online. 

Apply to Lip Service here

4. Penpal World

Penpal World is a very wholesome platform that gives you the opportunity to connect and build relationships with people from around the world. The website was built with the purpose to exchange messages, build friendships, and learn about different cultures.

On PenPal World, users can create their profiles, specify their interests, and search for penpals based on various factors you require such as age, location, and language. 

Check out Penpal World here

3. JustAnswer

If you are looking for a more professional platform or you are someone who is actually an expert or licensed professional, you can try out JustAnswer. JustAnswer is an online platform that connects users with experts across various fields to receive answers to their questions – the experts can range from lawyers, business consultants, doctors, and more!).

JustAnswer usually operates on a paid model where users pay for the expert’s time and expertise. However, the website does claim that you can earn up to $7,00 monthly by sharing your expertise online.

Check out JustAnswer here

2. LiveAdvice

If you are a coach or if you dream of becoming one but do not know where to start, LiveAdvice is perfect for both beginner and professional coaches. LiveAdvice actually covers a wide range of topics including career counseling, relationship and guidance, legal advice, and more! 

LiveAdvice lets you talk to other people via phone or desktop. And you can also set your own rates! 

Check out LiveAdvice here

1. Family Romance

Family Romance is more geared toward Japanese families who will receive paid friends with the same interests are you. If you live in Japan or you know how to fluently speak Japanese, then you are perfect to apply to places like this.

With the earnings, the site says you can earn up to $50 per hour as someone’s rented friend which is actually a high-paying job! 

Check Family Romance here.

What is an Online Friend? 

In the fast-paced digital scene every year and with the pandemic happening last 2020, the concept of friendship has extended beyond the boundaries of physical intimacy or proximity. With the pandemic happening a few years back, friends rarely see each other. Some relationships even fell out because of this.

And this is where Online Friend comes in. An online friend is basically a person you meet online and is someone you are willing to develop a connection with. But of course, that part is completely optional. 

Benefits of chatting with lonely people online 

Talking to lonely people with virtual chatting may not be on top of your list when it comes to making money online. But, while it may not be everyone’s first choice or a traditional or mainstream job, it can still be a profitable side hustle if you are looking for more opportunities to get paid online. 

If you need a little more push when it comes to making money talking to lonely people, then here are some more benefits of doing so:


Depending on which company you apply to, you get to set your working hours and your rates! So this is a convenient option for those who are planning on working as a freelancer or treating this as a part-time job. It is also a good thing that you decide how long you talk to someone.

Furthermore, you get to set your own rates so you do not need to underpay yourself if you think you deserve more with the services you are providing. 

Additional Income

This kind of supports the first point I gave but if you enjoy talking to people and you believe that you have amazing communication skills as well as giving quality advice to people, then why not get paid to be an online chatter? 

It is an easy and straightforward way to get extra money on the side without needing to do any stressful activities or tasks. All you need is to lend your ear and a little bit of your time – then you are good to go! 

Work Anywhere

Another great thing about getting paid to talk to strangers online is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home from anywhere around the world!  This means more flexibility to travel while doing your job. This also means that this job will not disrupt your day-to-day routine or schedule. 

A Helping Hand

Many lonely men and women just need someone to listen and for someone to give them a piece of helpful advice. By providing a listening ear and offering emotional support, you can already make a positive impact on their mental well-being and even save a life. 

Skill Development

Depending on what type of chatting you prefer and which company you apply to, there will always be a time when your company matches you with people who can even teach you a thing or two about life in general or random skills. 

Engaging in various conversations with a wide range of people who share your interests (or even those who do not!) can enhance your communication and interpersonal skills. And through chatting with different people, they can also even give you advice professionally once your bond grows closer. 

So, you do not only get paid on the platform of your choice, but you also get to develop your skills too! 

Meet New People

This supports the previous post but you can connect with new people from all around the globe and depending on how you do your chatting service, you can even genuinely build real relationships with your clients! 

But do take note that before you communicate with lonely people and engage with people online, it is very important to meticulously research the chat platform of your choice and see if their services and values align with your ethical standards.

You also have to make sure that you know how to set your own boundaries with the people you are talking to. Make sure you do not give out all your personal information or give details that you are only comfortable giving. 

It’s 2024 and with the digital age getting so fast-paced, it is best to always be careful. 

No special skills

Almost all of the websites I have listed do not require you to have any special skills or educational attainment. You will really just need to have internet and a phone or computer of course to be able to connect with lonely people. Most of the websites also require English-speaking people. 

How much are you paid to talk to people for money?

Getting paid to listen to other people’s problems and talk to them can be quite fulfilling for some. But how much do online chatters earn? The income can vary on several factors including the platform they are using, their experience, and the nature of their conversations.

For example, your job might actually identify you as an online counselor who earns money talking to lonely people. You could also be in customer support or virtual assistance jobs. All these actually pay pretty high and can become a high-paying full-time job.

 Another factor is that some platforms can either pay per hour, per project or task, or by a fixed rate. Other platforms also give you the freedom to set your own rates. 

According to this article, if you work per hour as an online chatter, you can earn between roughly $10 to $50 per hour. And if you are mainly on text-based platforms where you do not use any voice or video calls (purely text), then the most common rates range between $0.10 to $0.20 per message as a starting point. 

Final Thoughts: Is It Worth It?

Before you decide if it is actually worth becoming an online chatter, you may want to ask yourself if you will be actually comfortable talking to other people on the internet. You have to remember that you will be meeting a bunch of random strangers who need different levels of attention of help.

However, if you believe that you can manage your time, your emotions, and of course, your own boundaries, then I do think that chatting with lonely people online is a very easy way to earn extra money if you need to.

So yes, this is a job that is worth a try! 

earn money chatting lonely people

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