Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!

9 Cleaning Hacks in Printables – Open Spring Cleaning Season!

Anastasia Blogger lifestyle 4 Comments

Cleaning Question “How Often?” Answered

This Printable will help you keep track of cleaning all your household. How often should you wash linen or deep clean your windows? Use this to keep every surface, corner or detail of your interior clean!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!

Source: Good Housekeeping


You will not need to clean your kitchen much and pollute the water with chemicals if you use a stove cooker protector.

Check this useful accessory here.

Spring Organizing: Throw Away Everything Useless!

How should you start the new spring season? In addition to cleaning, your house always needs to be organized. The best way to do it – first of all, get rid old, expired, unnecessary stuff! Which categories of things should you start with, where to find them in your household? Check out this decluttering graph!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – things to throw away, cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks! Source:

What Should you Use to Remove Stains?

You know that sometimes the magic of vanishing stains will not happen if you just throw your closes into the washing machine? A lot of stains are too strong or need a very specific anti-stain treatment to be removed from your clothes. This graph gives you the best and easy to remember recipes for the most common types of stains!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!

Find and Clean these Hidden or Commonly Forgotten Parts of Your Home!

How often do you vacuum your curtains? When was the last time you cleaned your garbage disposal? And what about the most neglected parts that all of us touch with our hands a dozen of times per day (!), what about the doorknobs and light switches? Just check this list, you’ll be surprised to see some places you hardly have ever cleaned!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!

Source: LifeHacker

Learn How to Easily Clean Your Pots and Pans

Pots and pans are those kitchen items that always take the most efforts for cleaning. Since the food is cooked in them at high temperatures, stains, gunk, and other things become inevitable. With this graphic instruction you will be able to clean almost everything – just learn which is the appropriate cleaning agent!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source: Babble

Use Hanging Trash Bag Holder

While you are cooking, your countertop becomes a mess very fast, especially if you need to peel and cut a lot of vegetables or fruits. Check out this original solution for people who can’t stand a messy countertop when they are cooking.

Check this simple and genius solution here.

DIY Cleaning Products for Different Cleaning Purposes

For those of us who is concerned about the ecological impact of cleaning products sold in the stores, this is list of simple recipes that will keep your house clean using old-school agents that our grandmothers used (and they always worked!), like baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice and others. Use the cleaning hacks of your grandma!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Green Cleaning Recipes. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source:

Laundry Symbols Printable

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been looking at the laundry symbols on my favorite dress and felt like a helpless cave-woman who doesn’t know how to properly wash or clean my own clothes with all the technologies of our century. Luckily, I can print now this cheat shit and stick it in my washing machine. I would suggest you doing the same, and maybe sharing it with your Pinterest Friends because it’s really a lifesaver!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source: BuzzFeed

Coconut Oil – the Secret Cleaning Weapon!

Did you know that you could clean and moisturize leather with coconut oil? You could also make a DIY furniture polish with it and actually use it 50 other ways in your household, according to this informative graph.

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source:

Essential Oils for Cleaning Your Home

Adding essential oils when you are cleaning your house can bring the fantastic spring freshness and protect your family from microbes. Learn how you can use essential oils to eliminate mold, purify fridge, and get rid of bad smells in the furniture or carpet.

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Essential Oil Cleaning. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source:

Even More Cleaning Hacks in One Infographic!

How can you get rid of the baked oven stains? How about removing your lipstick stains with hairspray? The most unexpected cleaning hacks in one graph – all for your cleaning experiments!

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!Source:


Good Housekeeping

Cleaning Hacks and Tips for the new Spring Cleaning Season – cleaning Schedule, printables and infographics. Your household cleaning will be a fun experiment with these surprising cleaning recipes and tricks!

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Comments 4

  1. This is a really great post! I really love how you use infographics here. These are really helpful cleaning tips. I like to keep things organized and since my brother and I share a room, I always found myself cleaning the bedroom every now and then.

    1. Post

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